Little girl of the ocean. Little pearl of my love
Into a whirl of emotion. Into the world I am from
How do I chase the shadows that can shade her innocent heart and not disturb the weather of her seasons however hard?
Oh, to see this place for all it has
The wolves here they fancy woolen coats and hats
On the day to come when I am the one she’s looking to as the questions come, will I find the words when Sophie speaks?
A bucket of raindrops I’ll try not to spill
For such a sweetheart such a sweetly bitter pill
How do I guard the sparkle in an eye with so much to see and not disturb the fires of a life lived passionately?
Oh, to see this place for all that’s here you’ll cry through laughter, laugh through tears
On the day to come when I am the one she’s looking to as the questions come, will I find the words when Sophie speaks?
When Sophie speaks she’ll ask her daddy questions
Questions of the world and of its ways
What Sophie needs are answers that will raise the sky above and frame the beauty of all that Sophie sees
When Sophie Speaks
On the day when I am the one she’s looking to when the questions come
I’ll find the words
I’ll raise the sky
I’ll frame the world for Sophie’s eyes
I’ll find the words she needs
I’ll find the words she needs when Sophie speaks
Copyright © 1998/2018: albinosongs

Albino Guimaraes Vocals & Guitar
Joe Boyle Electric Guitars
Bill Holloman Clarinet & Saxophone
Joe O’Brien Bass Guitar
Jon Peckman Drums & Percussion
Behind The Song...
When Sophie Speaks
Fancy chords! I know not from where they came. Though I do know I wrote “When Sophie Speaks” sitting on the floor against the wall of our first apartment’s living room, worried for the first time in my life that I was going to die, not long after Sophie was born. I wrote the song on a Takamine Santa Fe nylon string guitar I had recently gotten so that I could play softly to Sophie in her crib. This was the first time I wrote a song not using my trusty Maple Takamine acoustic guitar that you can see as part of the band logo.
This is one of, if not my favorite chord progressions I have come up with. Obviously the song means the world to me and stands alongside “Little Man” written two years later for my new born son and “Justice In Disguise” written as a Valentine’s Day present for my wife just before we got married.