Lying in bed he thought of London, New York, Heaven and Hell
On that early afternoon as he discovered time in his room
Tomorrow when he wakes what will he say of today?
Was it the longest of days?
Rushing through the streets late for the first time
An appointment to keep with the rest of his life
Time is ticking. Time’s dancing by
Tomorrow when he wakes what will he say of today?
Was it the longest of days?
Tomorrow when he wakes he'll say that was the longest of days
And how I use to dance first think afterwards
That’s what the order was when I wouldn't be anyone but me
Now I think twice. I over analyze. I got no alibis. I'm just being me you see
Half-joking he smiles, “I guess I'm stuck with me for awhile”
Now as he turns to go and heads for home
He’s in time with the ticking. Tapping his toes
Tomorrow when he wakes
He now knows what he'll say of today
It was the longest of days
And that's okay he'll say
“Ahead are shorter days than the longest of days”
How I use to dance first think afterwards
That’s what the order was when I wouldn't be anyone
Anyone but me
Copyright © 1994/2018: albinosongs

Albino Guimaraes Vocals, Piano & Guitars
Joe Boyle Electric Guitars
Bill Holloman Saxophone
Joe O’Brien Bass Guitar
Jon Peckman Drums & Percussion
Sophie Guimaraes Vocals
Behind The Song...
The Longest Of Days
I think this song was inspired in part by Aldous Huxley’s “A Brave New World” and in equal, if not greater part by Joseph Campbell’s “Power Of Myth”. The song’s theme is the initial shock of the moment when your mind opens to the greater truths of the world you face and what that realization brings out in you. The song acknowledges the fear of that moment and then chooses to “Joyfully participate in the sorrows of the world”. This song I hold close and have started more gigs with it than any other song. I am very comfortable with performing it and what it has to say puts me in the right frame of mind to continue the reveal that follows, be there three or three hundred people listening.