He was at the right place at the right time
Thought it felt all wrong
Needless to say nothing’s changed
Since he left off he’d been left out
Indifference has its costs
He doesn’t care
Nobody’s spared the point of view of plodding through and making up the wise
Dumbing it down
Lifting the lies
So he flew straight and straight through the very first in line
Not so much sold out as bought into the point of view of making up the whys
Dumbing it down
Lifting the lies
Copyright © 1999/2018: albinosongs

Albino Guimaraes Vocals & Guitars
Joe Boyle Electric Guitars
Joe O’Brien Bass Guitar
Jon Peckman Drums & Percussion
Sophie Guimaraes Vocals
Behind The Song...
"Grimace" is complex little ditty that demanded for itself a very simple treatment.
I am joined on this recording by Gruber, my dog. Well actually, the stage name he insists upon is Captain Bartholomew MacGruber Guimaraes. He was not invited to the session. He just crashed it and, of course, steals the show. But, like many a fine musician in the history of recorded music...he will not be receiving ANY royalties until he fully recoups all his biscuit and boarding fees….even the ones he had no idea were being charged to him.