What’s that there shining up ahead?
Is that one strand thrown across a hedge?
It’s hard to see. Let’s get closer
Yesiree them there those are Bob Dylan’s Christmas lights
Ho so bright to see hope hung haphazardly
What’s up and down like the year we’ve seen?
Bob Dylan’s Christmas lights
What’s red, blue, purple, gold and green?
Bob Dylan’s Christmas lights
Ho so bright to see hope hung haphazardly
Sure he could of done it better
Sure he could have done more
But there’s a whole year of intention in his extension cord
What’s that there shining up ahead?
(A single strand… across a hedge)
What’s up and down like the year we’ve seen?
(Bob’s Christmas lights! Red, gold and green)
And what give us hope through our winter nights?
(Bob’s Christmas lights! Bob’s Christmas lights!)
I’m gonna hang my lights like Bobby